Miscellaneous – 4

If One Fails To Attend The Hearing With The Citizenship Judge Canada Or Officer, Can It Be Rescheduled?


Becoming a Canadian citizen is a dream for many individuals around the world. However, the process of obtaining citizenship in Canada can be lengthy and complex. One of the requirements to become a Canadian citizen is to attend a hearing with the citizenship judge or officer. But what happens if an individual fails to attend the hearing? Can it be rescheduled? In this article, we will explore this question in detail.

Understanding the Citizenship Hearing Process

Before we dive into the question at hand, it’s important to understand the citizenship hearing process. Once an individual has submitted their citizenship application, they will be invited to attend a hearing with a citizenship judge or officer. The purpose of this hearing is to evaluate the individual’s eligibility for Canadian citizenship. During the hearing, the individual will be asked a series of questions about their background, residency in Canada, and their intentions to reside in Canada in the future.

Failing to Attend the Citizenship Hearing

If an individual fails to attend the citizenship hearing without a valid reason, their application may be denied. This is because attending the hearing is a crucial step in the citizenship process. However, there are some circumstances in which an individual may not be able to attend the hearing, such as a medical emergency or a family emergency. In these cases, the individual should contact the citizenship office as soon as possible to explain their situation and request a new hearing date.

Requesting a Rescheduled Citizenship Hearing

If an individual is unable to attend the citizenship hearing due to a valid reason, they may be able to request a new hearing date. In order to do so, they must contact the citizenship office and provide documentation to support their reason for not attending the original hearing. This may include a doctor’s note or a letter from a family member. The citizenship office will review the individual’s request and determine whether a new hearing date can be scheduled.

Time Limit for Requesting a Rescheduled Hearing

It’s important to note that there is a time limit for requesting a rescheduled hearing. According to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, individuals must request a new hearing date within 30 days of the original hearing date. If they fail to do so, their application may be denied.

What Happens If a Rescheduled Hearing is Granted?

If a rescheduled hearing is granted, the individual will be notified of the new hearing date and time. They will need to attend the hearing at the designated time and answer the questions asked by the citizenship judge or officer. If the individual passes the citizenship test and meets all other eligibility requirements, they will be granted Canadian citizenship.


Attending a citizenship hearing is an important step in the process of obtaining Canadian citizenship. If an individual fails to attend the hearing without a valid reason, their application may be denied. However, if the individual has a valid reason for missing the hearing, they may be able to request a new hearing date. It’s important to request a new hearing date within 30 days of the original hearing date, and to provide documentation to support the reason for missing the original hearing.


  1. What happens if I miss my citizenship hearing?

If you miss your citizenship hearing without a valid reason, your application may be denied. It’s important to attend the hearing or request a new hearing date as soon as possible.

  1. Can I reschedule my citizenship hearing if I have a valid reason for missing it?

Yes, you may be able to request a new hearing date if you have a valid reason for missing your original hearing. You must provide documentation to support your reason for missing the hearing.

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