Class 5, 7 – 3

Graduated Licensing Program (GLP) penalties

The Superintendent of Motor Vehicles will keep a close eye on your driving history as a new driver in the Graduated Licensing Program (GLP). If you break a traffic law or commit another driving infraction, you could be subject to sanctions including a written warning, probation, or a driving ban. In addition to the standard driving sanctions, GLP drivers are subject to the following sanctions:

  • If you violate any of the rules of the learner or novice driving stages, your driving record may be penalized with a fee and penalty points.
  • Your driving record may also be penalized with a fine and penalty points if you are caught speeding or committing other traffic infractions.
  • Driving privileges may be suspended for a period of time ranging from one month to a year or more for more serious offences or for racking up too many points.
  • Driving when impaired by drugs or alcohol may result in an instant roadside suspension or prohibition, which will be noted on your driving record and could result in further penalties.
  • If a driving infraction occurs while you are in the learner stage, you will remain in that stage until you have completed the infraction and had your license reinstated. Up to this point, you won’t be able to accrue any more time towards moving up to the novice stage.
  • If you receive a driving prohibition during the novice stage, any accumulated time towards graduating out of GLP will be lost. After your license is reinstated, you will need to accumulate an additional 24 consecutive prohibition-free months to be eligible to graduate from GLP.

The following advice will assist you in getting ready for your Class 7 and Class 5 road tests:

  • Put your road test manoeuvres to the test by using the Tuning Up for Drivers programme. For each maneuver, this programme offers step-by-step guidance. Work through the lessons with your manager if you’re getting ready for the Class 7 road test. For the Class 5 road test, you can prepare on your own, but it’s still a good idea to practice with a friend or relative.
  • Identify potential dangers by naming them aloud. Ask your boss to point out any dangers you could have overlooked.
  • Review the earlier chapters of this guide to make sure you are familiar with all the traffic signs, signals, rules, and regulations.
  • Think about enrolling in driving classes at an accredited driving school. You may get further instruction and practice from this.
  • Allow plenty of time to practice before your road tests. You should aim to get at least 60 hours of practice to prepare for your Class 7 road test.

New B.C. residents

During your first 90 days in British Columbia, you may drive with a valid driver’s license from another province, state, or nation. After then, in order to drive in British Columbia, you need a B.C. driver’s license. You’ll have to surrender your old license and pass any necessary driving exams.

You’ll need to show evidence that you have a license from another country. Your prior driver’s license will usually be sufficient. Your B.C. license class and any tests you might need to take will be determined by the class of license you previously held and your driving history.

The optimal time to apply for your British Columbia driver’s license is well before 90 days have passed after your move. The exchange of a license for new residents with a Canadian, American, Australian, Austrian, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, New Zealand, South Korean, Swiss, or United Kingdom license is typically finished on the same day. Consult a driver’s license office for more details.


Every year, Road Safety BC invites over 3,000 people to a re-examination. A medical assessment on the driver’s health or a police record detailing the driver’s inability to handle typical driving scenarios are the main causes for a re-examination. An appointment is not required if the re-examination includes a vision screening and a signals test.

However, if it also includes a road test, you must make arrangements for it with your neighborhood driver licensing office within 30 days of getting the letter. You must bring both primary and backup forms of identification, spectacles or contact lenses (if necessary for driving), and a licensed driver to go with you to the exam. You might want to examine this manual, think about enrolling in a refresher course from a driving school to refine your abilities, and get a copy of “Tuning up for drivers” from the driver licensing office to practice driving while you get ready for the re-examination.

Appropriate speeds

The safest pace isn’t usually the slowest speed, although speeding is harmful. Other drivers may become impatient and attempt to pass you if you travel significantly slower than the flow of traffic around you.

Aim to drive at a speed that is reasonable for the road conditions. The posted speed is merely the top speed under ideal circumstances. If the conditions are not perfect, such as if the roads are slick or visibility is poor, choose a slower speed.

The following are the posted speed limits:

  • Within cities and towns, 50 km/h
  • Outside of cities and towns, 80 km/h

Unless otherwise indicated, the maximum speed restriction in a lane or alleyway within municipalities is 20 km/h.

Centre of gravity

The location where an object’s weight is evenly distributed is at this location. Any object’s centre of gravity is movable. To reduce the body’s centre of gravity and make it simpler to balance, a tightrope walker might carry a pole, for instance.

The majority of cars are constructed using the same design concept: they are low to the ground so they can balance effectively on slopes, bends, and uneven terrain. However, some automobiles have a higher centre of gravity than others, such as some sports utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and camper vans. The centre of gravity moves up whenever a vehicle’s or its load’s height increases.

The centre of gravity of some vehicles is higher than others’, such as some pickup trucks, camper vans, and sports utility vehicles. The centre of gravity moves up as a vehicle or its cargo increases in height. The likelihood of a vehicle to tipping increases as the centre of gravity increases.

Created by All Canada Quiz

Class 5 - Part 3

1 / 30

Following distance on roads which are not properly prepared yet

2 / 30

You are going at slow speed and there is line of vehicles behind you. The idea of pull over and let the other vehicles to go is right, because -

3 / 30

If you feel sleepy while driving, you should

4 / 30

Eye contact with a cyclist coming from a side of your vehicle -

5 / 30

When you see a driver whose car is swinging and is stopping without reason, what should you do?

6 / 30

If you are going into a curve at high speed, why is taking your foot off the accelerator a good idea before the curve.

7 / 30

You see pedestrians on the side of the road wants to do jaywalk, what should you do?

8 / 30

When you have Learners or Novice License then, when you can use hand-held or hands-free communication devices-

9 / 30

If your vehicle breaks down on a busy highway, then what you should not to do?

10 / 30

When you are approaching emergency vehicles with lights on, then what you should do?

11 / 30

When there is solid line of double yellow line is on your's side then, when you are allowed to turn left -

12 / 30

If two cars approached the intersection (2-way stop) at same time and opposite to each other-

13 / 30

While turning right you should do “shoulder check” why?

14 / 30

When other drivers honk horns or yell at you-

15 / 30

Which sign at an intersection act as a four-way stop-

16 / 30

Which care you should take while passing public transport buses -

17 / 30

You are approaching an intersection with no sign or painted crosswalk. Someone has just stepped off the curb at the intersection to cross the street. You must-

18 / 30

You are driving in left lane on the divided highway and an emergency vehicle approaching you from behind, what you should do?

19 / 30

Which pre-inspection is not mandatory before going to drive everyday?

20 / 30

While passing a vehicle going in front of you-

21 / 30

If you face accident, which thing you should not to do-

22 / 30

It’s 6pm and a guide person with stop sign standing in the school area and there is no child around, what should you do?

23 / 30

When it is mandatory to stop for a school bus

24 / 30

On roads of high speed, what should be following distance if such roads become slippery due to bad weather -

25 / 30

If you are uncertain about other driver that what he will do then what should you do?

26 / 30

While exiting on Highway what should driver do?

27 / 30

On a narrow road you want to pass a cyclist, what should you do?

28 / 30

you stopped on a railway crossing where lights are flashing and bells are ringing, when you should go forward?

29 / 30

Reaction time is affected most by -

30 / 30

When solid line of double yellow line is on your side, what is the meaning of that?

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The average score is 43%
