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How Canadians Govern Themselves


Three key tenets—federalism, parliamentary democracy, and constitutional monarchy—form the foundation of Canada’s political structure.

Canada is a federal state with federal, provincial, territory, and local administrations. The Constitution Act of 1867 outlines the duties of each of these governments. While the provinces have control over municipal administration, education, health care, and other sectors, the federal government is in charge of matters that affect the nation and the world, such as defense, foreign policy, and citizenship. It is possible to experiment with new ideas and policies since provinces have the freedom to design regulations that are specific to their own populations. The three northern territories have governments and assemblies that carry out similar duties to provinces despite not having elected legislatures like the House of Commons in Ottawa.


Representatives are chosen by voters to serve in the provincial and territory legislatures as well as the House of Commons in Ottawa. These elected individuals are in charge of enacting legislation, keeping tabs on spending, and maintaining political accountability. Cabinet ministers must uphold the “confidence of the House” or risk resignation following a non-confidence vote. They are also answerable to the elected MPs.

The Sovereign (Queen or King), the Senate, and the House of Commons make up Parliament. The elected Assembly and the Lieutenant Governor make up provincial legislatures. The Prime Minister is in charge of managing government operations and policy in the federal government and selects Cabinet members. Members of Parliament who are chosen by the electorate every four years make up the House of Commons. Senators, in contrast, are chosen by the Governor General on the Prime Minister’s recommendation and in office until they are 75 years old. No measure can become law in Canada unless it has been approved by both the House of Commons and the Senate and has obtained the royal assent of the monarch.


The Head of State of Canada is a hereditary Sovereign, either a Queen or King, who rules in line with the Constitution and the law. Canada is a constitutional monarchy. The Sovereign is a significant, impartial member of Parliament who stands in for Canadian sovereignty. Canadians are motivated to give back to their nation by the Royal Family’s example of enduring community service. The Sovereign links Canada to 53 other countries that work together to enhance social, economic, and cultural growth as Head of the Commonwealth. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, Japan, Jordan, and Morocco are more nations having constitutional monarchs.

In Canada, there is a distinct distinction between the Sovereign, who serves as the head of state, and the Prime Minister, who is in charge of running the nation. The Sovereign is represented in Canada by the Governor General, who is chosen by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister for a usual term of five years. On the recommendation of the Prime Minister, the Governor General appoints a Lieutenant Governor for each province, who also holds office for a usual term of five years.

The three departments of Canadian government—executive, legislative, and judicial—cooperate but occasionally engage in constructive conflict with the goal of defending citizens’ rights and liberties. The elected legislatures of each province and territory are known, depending on the province or territory, as the Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), Members of the National Assembly (MNAs), Members of the Provincial Parliament (MPPs), or Members of the House of Assembly (MHAs).

The Premier of each province has a position akin to the Prime Minister of Canada, and the Lieutenant Governor plays a role akin to the Governor General. The Commissioner serves as the ceremonial representative of the federal government in the three territories.

Federal Elections

Voting for the representatives they want to represent them in the House of Commons is how citizens of Canada participate in the election process. Citizens have the choice to either elect new MPs or re-elect their current representatives, who are known as Members of Parliament (MPs). Federal elections, which generally take place on the third Monday in October but can be called earlier by the prime minister, are required to be held every four years after the most recent general election.

A Member of Parliament (MP) represents each of the 308 electoral districts, usually referred to as ridings or constituencies, in the nation. Each electoral district may have more than one candidate, and candidates from any political party who are Canadian residents over the age of 18 are eligible to contest in federal elections. The candidate who obtains the most votes in an electoral district is elected to represent both the residents of that district and all Canadians as that district’s MP.

Created by All Canada Quiz

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1 / 10

Who was the first leader of a responsible government in the Canada in 1849?

2 / 10

Head tax?

3 / 10

Last line Canada's National anthem?

4 / 10

Five regions of Canada?

5 / 10

When was the Canadian Pacific Railway finished?

6 / 10

What percentage of Aboriginal people are First Nations?

7 / 10

Canada is a constitutional monarchy. What does it means?

8 / 10

What year Newfoundland and Labrador join Canada?

9 / 10

Largest and busiest port in Canada?

10 / 10

What are the territories of Northern Canada and their capital ciities?

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